
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Food Supply

We offer food packs for each family in the remote and needy villages once every other month.

Goat Adoption

We partner with families to adopt a goat for milk and future food provision.

Clean water

We help construct water pumps that bring fresh water for drinking, washing, and for sustaining plant and animal growth.


We Are His Hands and Feet

For several years, CrossConnect Ministries’ indigenous teams have gone from village to village bringing Bible studies and audio speakers/recordings of Bible studies. Often they have found many extremely poor villages without running water and very little food. With the beginning of the lockdowns, many people have gone hungry, and many families are in desperate need for fresh water and food. Over the past two years, the needs have become even greater. When the teams reported back to CrossConnect of these needs, the CCM ministry team believed God was calling us to begin yet another ministry, a ministry that could come alongside a carefully selected villages and help supplement them during these most difficult times. From these prayers, the Lord began Bread and Water of Life Ministries (BWL). BWL believes that by meeting these basic needs the people will be more ready to receive the Word of God and come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. As many have said, you have remembered us, a forgotten people!

Meeting physical and spiritual needs

Working with CrossConnect, the vision is to meet both the physical needs of water and food, and the spiritual needs of hearing the truth of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Spreading the word of Jesus

BWL is very committed to spreading the Word of God and by meeting these basic needs the people will be more ready to come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Your gift is our appreciation

We pray you will consider partnering with Bread and Water of Life Ministries! Whatever your tax-deductible donation may be, your gift will be appreciated and used for the sake of others.

Sharing Powerful Stories

Building relationships with village families is an important key to the success of this ministry.

The fields are truly ripe, the harvest waiting…